"Ultimately, the only wealth that can sustain any community, economy or nation is derived from the photosynthetic process - green plants growing on regenerating soil." Allan Savory, founder of Holistic Management

We, the certified Holistic Management Educators of Australia and New Zealand can guide, train and support you with your Holistic Management aspirations.

We deliver training at locations in all Australian states and in New Zealand. Let us introduce ourselves 


Holistic Management® working in our world

Holistic Management is a decision-making framework that ensures our decisions are economically, environmentally and socially sound i.e. the triple bottom line. Holistic Management enables us to develop a clear vision of the future we want. Holistic Management is practiced by thousands of families, businesses and other organisations to improve the quality of their lives and to regenerate the resource base that sustains them. This includes conservation projects in the USA, Africa and Australia, where large areas of land are being transformed into sustainable ecosystems.  


If you would like news on Holistic Management happenings in Australia and New Zealand you are welcome to subscribe to our newsletter. Sign up here. You may unsubscribe at any time. 


Australian holistic management co-operative

The Australian Holistic Management Co-operative is one of the global network of fifty hubs which form part of the global network initiated by Savory Global. The Savory Global hubs are committed to farming practices that measurably regenerate land. 

The Australian Holistic Management Co-operative supports its members in regenerating land and managing holistically. Together with Holistic Management Educators the Australian Holistic Management Co-operative offers its members a network, education and troubleshooting opportunities. Members can also participate in the Ecological Outcome Verification™ (EOV™) annual monitoring service.

The Australian Holistic Management Co-operative is responsible for Ecological Outcome Verification™ (EOV™) in Australia. EOV measures regeneration through a host of ecological indicators. Trained monitors and verifiers assess the land of Co-op members participating in the program. Land that is proven to be improving in soil health, biodiversity and ecosystem function is awarded an EOV verification. This verification of regeneration is based upon outcomes, different to various certifications that are based on the inputs or processes followed. On being awarded an EOV verification it is possible to apply for a Land to Market seal for produce that has been grown on regenerating land. 

The Australian Holistic Management Co-operative is also involved with various projects, partnering with industry groups, NRM catchment associations and wool companies, EOV monitoring project participants land through the EOV so they can benefit from improving landscape function.

The Australian Holistic Management Co-operative is holding a series of events to celebrate 30 Years of Holistic Management in Australia, 17-19 October 2024 in Orange NSW. Register your interest here.

For information about the Australian Holistic Management Co-operative, Land to Market and EOV contact

Helen Lewis


Australian Holistic Management Co-operative

email: info@holisticmanagement.au


Holistic Management Educator, Glen Chapman from Southern Blue Regenerative offers a service producing detailed contour maps for creating land plans for Australian properties. These maps can be printed in various size formats ready to do land planning layers. KML files for Google Earth can also be produced. For NSW or QLD  a 1 metre contour interval map with other land details can be created for a property (area dependent). For properties outside of NSW and QLD depending on available data maps can be produced - contact Glen to discuss your requirements.
Visit https://www.southernblue.com.au/how-we-can-help-you/holistic-land-planning/ to access this service. 
Holistic Management Graduates receive a 20% discount for this service

a book

by Holistic Management Educator, John King


Available on Amazon and soon on Audible


holistic management international

Since 1984, Holistic Management International has helped communities grow and thrive by educating family farmers and ranchers and pastoralists in regenerative agricultural practices that empower them to strengthen their businesses, produce healthier food, improve local wildlife habitats and protect the environment.  The Holistic Management International vision is a world where lands and communities flourish through the practice of Holistic Management, an internationally recognized regenerative agricultural practice.


Holistic Management® and the HMI logo and tagline “Healthy Lands. Healthy Foods. Healthy Lives” are registered trademarks of Holistic Management International and have been used by permission.

holistic management®
educators OF 

We are certified with
Holistic Management International or the
Savory Institute
of Holistic Management.


savory institute of holistic management

Holistic Management is a process of decision-making and planning that gives people the insights and management tools needed to understand nature: resulting in better, more informed decisions that balance key social, environmental and financial considerations. In the context of the ecological restoration of grasslands worldwide, managers implement Holistic Planned Grazing to properly manage livestock – mimicking the predator / prey relationships in which these environments evolved.
